Pamela Camassa quotIsola thats why I lost so little weightquot

Pamela Camassa: "Isola, that’s why I lost so little weight"

Island of the Famous

The model explained on the reality show how she managed to stay strong and fit throughout the journey

Pamela Camassa quotIsola thats why I lost so little weightquot

Published on July 8, 2023

Among the shipwrecked de The island of the famous reached the final Pamela Camassa She was one of the least physically challenged. In an interview with Gente magazine, the model explained that she got lost during her trip in Honduras 8kg. Not a few, but not even many if you compare your case to that of many others. How has he fared? Did he eat secretly? Absolutely not. Filippo Bisciglia’s partner said that thanks to a focused preparation before the start of the reality show, she managed to stay strong and fit.

Camassa confided in this before setting sail Caribbean I worked intensively with one for over a month specialist who prepared them both physically and physically diet:

“Physically, I haven’t tried that much. I had prepared for this for five weeks: intensive training in the gym with a personal trainer and a diet to learn to eat less. So in Honduras I lost eight kilos, I would say I can pass the swimsuit test. I slept on the beach under the stars. I woke up thinking about the moon. I have bathed in a wonderful sea, even if it is not inferior to some Italian places. It’s been a difficult few months, but I miss this place, I never imagined it.

After the game, she returned to Italy and rushed to Sardinia to her beloved Biscigliainvolved in the shooting of temptation island. It’s vacation time soon. The “mandatory” phase is the Versilia, to which she goes every year: “I’m Tuscan and it’s not a summer without a detour there, I’ve been going there since I was a child, with my family.” We never had a fixed home, we moved around: Forte dei Marmi, Viareggio, Cinquale. We will go there, although Filippo and I also like to stay at home and maybe do last-minute projects.”

The future of L’Isola dei Famosi

For a few weeks, the reality show has been the focus of rumors about the so-called telemarket. Before Mediasetwho presented the schedule for the next season a few days ago, that is on July 5th, it was insistently whispered that the last edition of the Isola in which Camassa took part (Marco Mazzoli won) would have been the last.

And instead Pier Silvio Berlusconi announced that the program will appear in the Time schedule by Canale Cinque for next season. But there is one big but: Alfa Romeo’s number one emphasized that the reality show was included in the program but not allowed to be broadcast. Translated, we are navigating by sight: if there were new ideas to focus on, the show could be cancelled; If, on the other hand, no alternatives are found, it is suggested again.

The fate of Isola dei Famosi currently aligns with that of Ilary Blasi: should the show be cancelled, the Roman presenter will remain an orphan of the programs as her name has not been linked to any broadcast in the next season, except precisely The Island .