Media concentration affects democracy says Atilio Boron

Panama continues to focus on encounter tourism

According to the Director General of the International Congress Center in Amador, Rodolfo del Valle, an example is the results of this institution last year and the prospects for this year 2023.

For this year, said the official of the newspaper La Estrella de Panamá, the establishment expects more than 100 events and 150,000 visitors, a third of whom would be tourists from conventions or meetings, which could mobilize up to more than 113.7 million dollars.

Crucial to achieving this goal is a destination strategy, implemented in partnership with the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) and the Tourism Promotion Fund, which aims to attract the largest number of international events to the Channel Country. added.

Of the 100 events planned for this year, around 64 are already planned at the modern facility, including the World Robotics Olympics, trade, logistics and tourism fairs, as well as exhibitions on housing, real estate and habitats, among others.

He also pointed out that among the main markets where Panama is being promoted through convention tourism, the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica and China stand out.

According to Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) Administrator Iván Eskildsen, 2022 ended with just over 1.8 million visitors, which would represent double the number that ended 2021, when 800,000 trekkers were welcomed.

There is expectation and optimism for 2023, so a year of recovery is expected, the official said.
