Panamanian natives on alert against mining deal

Panamanian natives on alert against mining deal

Locals pointed out that the visit of deputies of the Trade and Economic Commission of the National Assembly (Parliament) to the Donoso (Colón) copper mine, starting tomorrow, could lead to new protest demonstrations.

Rogelio Montezuma, head of the Natural Resources Protection Coordinator, stressed that meetings are being held to decide on next actions.

“We appeal to the government and ask them not to approve this bill, otherwise they will see us on the streets this week,” he said.

According to the words of the indigenous leader, points such as San Félix, Tolé, Horconcito and other municipalities in the east of the province of Chiriquí could be closed.

MP Roberto Ábrego, from the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party and chairman of the commission, indicated that they will prepare a report on the public consultation after the visit is completed. Although the results are not binding, they serve as a reference for the debates. he clarified.

While the social organizations that make up the Alianza Pueblo Unidos por la Vida will also step up their actions against this pact, as the Secretary General of the National Confederation of Independent Trade Unions, Marcos Andrade, announced to the press a constant struggle. On the street, he explained.

The current pact with Minera Panama leaves airspace and territory to foreign companies like Canada’s First Quantum, which violates sovereignty, he added.

The groups have also denounced the company’s layoffs of 150 employees, while public propaganda insists on the idea that the mine creates thousands of jobs.

Environmental associations also draw attention to the pollution of rivers and the deforestation caused by open-cast mining, which causes significant damage to nature.
