Panic in Russian supermarkets the attack on sugar and flour

Panic in Russian supermarkets, the attack on sugar and flour begins: the impact of sanctions on prices and supplies the video

In Russian supermarkets, attacks on the shelves of food, especially sugar and flour, whose prices have been rising sharply for days, are becoming more frequent. The videos bouncing in the chats show a real rush to snag as many products as possible, as images released by Nexta and Russian agency Ria Novosti tell us: “Merchandise is being swept away before it even hits the shelves” . In one video in particular, we see a supermarket worker who can barely get a trolley full of sugar near the entrance and then leaves it to be attacked by customers. Scenes on the sidelines of the skirmish were immortalized in a shop in Perekryostok, north of Moscow, as also reported by some British tabloids, who report witness testimonies with moments of high tension: “There were shelves you want, no salt, no sugar , no buckwheat and only expensive rice ».

March 17, 2022

The steady rise in prices of at least 10% is mainly due to the economic sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries and the simultaneous decline of the ruble. Russians fear prices will continue to rise and produce will run out as imports have slowed, if not stopped completely, with an evergrowing number of supplying countries. Fears the agency Ria Novosti is trying to allay, citing Kremlin sources as guaranteeing supplies for the next few weeks, which should guarantee months of staple food availability. A certainty for the Russian Deputy Industry Minister Viktor Evtukhov, who only two days ago recalled the export ban imposed by the Russian government on certain products such as sugar and flour.


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