Panic Men and Women Unfortunately its official General uprising

Panic Men and Women: Unfortunately, it’s official | General uprising against Mediaset

Men and women: the study.Men and women: the study (screenshot image Mediaset TV) –

Unbelievable but true: Maria De Filippi’s dating show does not remain unscathed compared to the Mediaset changes.

The consistency and constancy of dating shows under the direction of Maria De Filippi on Canale 5 have always been part of it Characteristics Who made the transfer? must of the network.

We know otherwise Changes occurred over the summerand which we will see realized these days when programming begins with the new editions of the programs.

You thought that until the end Men and women would have remained intact given his longevity and the enormous number of loyal viewers.

Unfortunately this was not the case: The dating show was touchedin fact, and according to many, This time there was nothing Maria De Filippi could have done to prevent it.

The fate of Canale 5

Apparently the determination From man and Women is linked in a double loop with that of two other programs: Afternoon 5 and The Promiseeach a container program and a fiction.

own Today it was revealed that men and women will give up part of the time dedicated to the show to allow the implementation of two other programs: after a very long time, in the afternoon of channel 5 He changes his schedule and the revolt of online fans immediately erupts.

The changes in men and women

For the whole summer Fans of Men and Women feared that their favorite show would somehow be changedor eradicated at the root to make room for something else or to favor other programs. Fortunately, there were no overly radical interventionsalthough for such a deeply rooted show that has been airing simultaneously for years, even one slight shift it may seem absurd.

The Promise therefore begins at 4:20 p.m. 10 minutes “steal”. on the historic program of De Filippi: According to many, this step was taken to secure the airtime of Pomeriggio 5, the program that has already undergone many changes, which is why it is likely for several users that the choice will be maintained The program starts at 5 p.m was designed to avoid further stress for those who have always followed it. However, the uproar seems to have subsided as the Biscioni networks said it was simply an error in the transcription of the timetable.

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