Pantanal After trying to kidnap Juma Ze Lucas will regret

“Pantanal”: After trying to kidnap Juma, Zé Lucas will regret it and say he’s considering leaving

We explain it better below 👇

José Lucas appeared in the Tapera, tried to kidnap Juma and got the worst with the appearance of the Marruá Jaguar. If he escapes unharmed, the farmer will ride away.

“The old man is right, damn it! You bring shame into your life… And it’s not from today!” he will say alone.

…passersby will wonder why José Lucas disappeared. Grossly, the farmer will refuse to tell the truth and will try to solve the problem.

“I see you’re upset…” Tiberio (Guito) will say.

“More than that, Companhêro… I’m thinking about biting the mule from here…” replied Zé Lucas.

Trindade (Gabriel Sater), under the influence of Cramulhão, will agree to the idea:

“If I were you, I would be long gone…”

Tiberius will feel the tension in the air and will insist on knowing what happened.

“I was born!” Zé Lucas will answer and end the conversation.

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