Pantanal Maria is shocked by Eugenios fate

Pantanal Maria is shocked by Eugênio’s fate

The last piece of Pantanal promises some unusual surprises.

Although it is a remake of the original work written by Benedito Ruy Barbosa and exhibited by the extinct headline on TV in 1990, wetland Changes were few but will surprise the nostalgic fans who saw the first version. Signed in the new edition by Bruno Luperi, Maria Bruaca (Isabel Teixeira) had changed her destiny.

Is that in the remake of globethe suffering woman will have her happy ending after death tenor (Murilo Benício) and will move to Sarandi on the side Alcides (Julian Cazarre). However, unlike in the first version, she will not say goodbye in the penultimate chapter, but in the last one and will take part in the wedding of Jose Leoncio (Marcos Palmeira) and tribe (Dira Paes).

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And at the ceremony, she will meet a great friend who will also have a different fate in the remake of globe. eugenio (Almir Sater) who supports Maria at a difficult time when she was being chased away tenorthis is now a “haunted” she insists on escaping and even leaving that wetlandShe will talk about the new direction of her life.

“And what are you going to do with this life?” the character will ask Isabel Teixeira. “Your Zé Leôncio made me a proposal that I seriously consider accepting…”, the character of Almir Sater, mysterious. Eliminated from life on the rivers, man will spring into arms zuleica (Aline Borges).

Alcides and Maria stay together? The pair’s result in the Pantanal is tearful: “I can’t…”

Pantanal Bruno Luperi changes the fate of the characters and decides to send a message in the final chapter

Marcelo (Lucas Leto) and Guta (Julia Dalavia) will realize their plans and have the desired ending in the Pantanal (Photo: Reproduction / Globo / TV Foco Montage)

End of the Pantanal Author breaks taboo and changes original ending of Marcelo and Guta


Maria Bruaca will be shocked with the fate of the razor. zuleica will inherit a large part of the fortune that was tenor and will manage many of the assets that belonged to the deceased.

rich and married zuleica will become a powerful woman and leave behind all past humiliations suffered at her hands tenor. she will meet eugeniothey will get married and the good man will stop being a prankster to stay with her on the farm.

Zuleica (Aline Borges) will end up getting involved with Eugênio (Almir Satter) in the Pantanal (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)Zuleica (Aline Borges) will end up getting involved with Eugênio (Almir Satter) in the Pantanal (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)

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