Pantanal Trindade abandons pregnant Irma and runs away from Jose

Pantanal: Trindade abandons pregnant Irma and runs away from José Leôncio’s farm: “My Destiny

Pantanal: Trindade abandons pregnant Irma and runs away from José Leôncio’s farm: “My Destiny”

trinity will depart wetland once and for all in the next chapters of the remake. The man who has a pact with the Cramullion believes that this is the only way to protect Irma and her son from the evil entity.

To make matters worse, the man still sees his guitar playing alone, knowing full well that it was his son who is still stuck in Irma’s womb.

However, the trigger came after Irma dreamed that her son was a small lump. Anxious, the farmer takes his things and flees without giving any further explanation, leaving the redhead abandoned.

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After the ride to the hut, Trindade meets Eugênio, with whom he has a thoughtful conversation about his fate and dealing with the devil. “Everyone in this life has a destiny, Xeréu Trindade,” he will say.

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“I think when I made the deal with Cramulhão, I must have lost mine,” the violist replied. “We can fulfill it or not, but we don’t lose,” the man in the Pantanal will reply.

Eugênio’s words have no effect on Trindade, who is sure of his decision. “I think my destiny is like the waters of a river… always going forward. Without ever thinking about what we leave behind,” he will say in the Pantanal.

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trinity You will hear an intimate conversation from sister With tribe in the next chapters of wetland.

The man who has a pact with the devil will stay away from the redhead after discovering his lover’s pregnancy.

Irma, on the other hand, cannot understand the change in Trindade’s behavior and will vent to Filó about the situation.

However, what they don’t expect is that the farmer will listen to everything. Irma will open her heart to Filó in the Pantanal and imagine how much she suffers when she sees Trindade walking away from her and her son, who is still in her womb.

In the scenes shown in the Pantanal, Trindade is playing his guitar when he realizes he is overhearing the conversation between the women. Startled, he drops the instrument and continues to listen to his lover’s confessions.

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