1700162546 Paola Cortellesi you are used to seeing her always super

Paola Cortellesi, you are used to seeing her always super elegant: in a bikini she is a breathtaking eye catcher IT

Paola Cortellesi, the actress in a bikini, is a real eye-catcher. Be astonished.

It will officially happen 49 years old, getting dangerously close to 50 the divine next November 24th Paola Cortellesi. We’re talking about an outstanding actress for the big screen who recently made her successful directorial debut. Besides, it is one too beautiful woman and endowed with a physicality that is nothing short of spectacular.

Not for nothing in a swimsuit and especially in a bikini he is authentic crash. The artist, and we are talking about one with a capital A, is complete because it is not one absolute talent only in acting, but he knows it too drive And to sing flawless, as well imitate.

We have often seen her alongside her on television in the past Rosario Fiorello and is a co-host with her amazing life friend Laura Pausini. Currently it is Cortellesi is in the cinema with the film There is still another tomorrowone of the most watched films at the box office in which she debuted as a director.

Paola Cortellesi, a beauty in a bikini

In the cast we also find, among other things Valerio Mastandrea And Vinicio Marchioni. Paola She is very happy with the success, especially because they will see it many familiesas well as mothers with Children. The comments are also wonderful from the male ground floor and that filled the artist’s heart healthy pride.

An artist who he experiences a magical moment in every respect, not just professionally. Actually Paola She has been married to the director for many years Riccardo Milaniwho he is with got married in 2011 After 9 years of engagement, he is already married and has already given birth to other children Paola has had Laura. Your baby will surely be very proud to have such a beautiful and knowledgeable mother at the age of almost 50. The photos in costume speak for themselves. An accident.

The explosive Cortellesi in a bikiniPaola Cortellesi – photo credit Today RomaIT.it

Slim physique and she is always on top

It’s certainly no surprise to note that she is the owner a slim physiquebecause even when we see her fully clothed, we can see that she is thin, tall and precise nice and slim. In any case, during a moment of pure relaxation on vacation dressed only in a few scraps of fabric, reveals something new to us.

Talk about crazy physicality and one Textbook thigh deadlifts. Paola She has nothing to envy a 30-year-old. Your husband can be very proud to have him by his side such a charming woman. Apparently Mother Nature was very generous with her, who for her part doesn’t like to sit idle and keeps herself fit by practicing Nordic walking.

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