Paola Ferrari My mother was violent and I never forgave

Paola Ferrari: “My mother was violent and I never forgave her. I had a tumor on my face, they put me at 25

The more they knock it down, the more it gets back up. It’s not like the coffee Nino Manfredi promoted in the 1980s, but it’s close. At 63, Paola Ferrari defies everything. They take programs and tasks away from her and she – not exactly quietly – takes more or less everything back. Last year she was forced out of the World Cup in Qatar, this year she hosted the historic 90th minute again on Rai2.

What league does he play in now?
“I am the one with a passion for football. As always. It’s just that I’m very angry with these young people who don’t realize how lucky they are and what nonsense they get up to.”

She was the first journalist to host historical sports programs on Rai, paving a way in a way: How come she often makes fun of women? Diletta Leotta, Belen Rodriguez, Sabrina Gandolf…
«Because I don’t make distinctions, I don’t believe in fences and quotas, and if I have to have a say, I do it. If they attack me, I react. However, with Sabrina we have created clarity.”

With Diletta Leotta?
“I don’t like the female model that’s pushing it. Such extravagant settings are not for me. However, I get along with a lot of women at Rai Sport.”

The opposite is said.
“The usual chatter. For example, I am very happy that a colleague like Simona Rolandi is presenting Sunday Sports. However, I was very disappointed when someone like Serena Dandini said years ago that I disgusted her. What is this criticism? Then to me, who has found my way in such a closed and chauvinistic world. Light up…”.

What does he have to pay?
“Not everyone likes me, I think, because of my political views and because I have a family with an important name, even though I made my career without help.”

Maybe from her husband.
“I did this job before I met him. It’s just envy.

Is the world of football still sexist?
“Even though a lot has changed, yes. Take age. It bothers me when they emphasize it because it suggests that in some media, such as television, women should only be accepted if they are young and beautiful. Does the same apply to men? No. Everyone works until they retire without any problems. Nobody dreams of saying that you are old, that you have a white belly or a white beard.”

But somehow he suffers from it: the bright lights, the tricks, the touch-ups…
“Everyone uses light, this story is funny.” They are terrible attacks. However, I am armored: I defend myself against everything and I don’t care.”

In 2019 you had facial cancer: how did you solve it?
“So. I was afraid that they would take away half of my face, they gave me 25 stitches, and I don’t rule out surgery in the future. Everyone does what they want, I don’t judge. I would like to For example, under no circumstances should I have my breasts done.

I read that he has the fifth.
“For me it is important that women do everything for themselves and not become a sex object that men like.” This is very wrong. If a young woman is thinking about transforming herself to become like Diletta Leotta, she needs to know that just one or two are okay. Study better.”

You’ve said in the past that you don’t know how to forgive, right?
«I have developed self-defense mechanisms that don’t leave much room for these things. I had a very difficult childhood. My mother was a very violent woman.

She stated that her mother tried to kill her more than once when she was a child, right?
“Yes. She had various problems, we recovered a little, but I never forgave her. I cannot think of her with love.

Daniela Santanchè has forgiven her.
“It’s different. We were always friends, then we said all sorts of things to each other for years, and then we became closer again. When I was abused by the director of Rai Sport last summer, she publicly took up my defense and touched mine Heart.”

And she restarted by investing 200,000 euros in her Visibilia Concessionaria, saving it from bankruptcy.
“I’m not talking about money, but I think the company can get back on its feet.”

What did you have in mind when you and Santanchè tried to buy L’Unità with Visibilia in 2014?
“It was in crisis, I would have restarted it. But it was also a provocation.

And when your husband Marco and his brothers sold “La Repubblica,” did you celebrate or not?
“I was sorry. I tried in every possible way to convince him not to do it. But I still read it, like Il Messaggero and Il Corriere della sera. Online information is not enough: paper newspapers are always still the most important and still control the entire information system.

You, who ran for La Destra in 2008 without being elected, didn’t think about trying again for Fratelli d’Italia last year?
“I haven’t thought about it.”

And Giorgia Meloni?
“She neither. But that’s okay: I have a job that I love.”

And from September 2022 to today, you, who in the past belonged to two parliamentary commissions together with Minister Prestigiacomo, have not received a single proposal?
“I have spoken at length with some party members about a possible candidacy for the next European elections, but now I feel great with Rai.”

So is there still time for Brussels?
“Yes. In the meantime, I’m following everything.

She is a partner in the Lucisano Media Group and is involved in documentaries: you wanted to produce one with Andrea Purgatori, right?
“Yes. About the Monster of Florence. His death is an enormous loss for Italian journalism.”

She told Monica Setta on Rai2 that he made the deal between her and her husband: Confirm?
“Definitely. Absolutely (laughs).”

But in 1997 she married in community of property…
“Ahahaha… But that’s what happens when you separate, it’s called Communion de Residual, that is, the equal sharing of what you have as soon as you leave each other. What is absolutely not foreseeable at the moment (laughs, editor’s note). And then we’ll clear up the story of the millionaire husband: He and I have always lived off the money from our jobs. We never received anything from his father (Carlo De Benedetti, ed.).

“My husband is someone who has always worked and lived with his own money.”

She added that sex is no longer like the beginning: did she mean that for her it is a game that is almost over?
«Let’s introduce ourselves (laughs, editor’s note). I am a passionate woman. Sex is very important to me.

Why does she often seem angry?
“Injustices and bad things make me nervous, but I’m calm.” I work a lot on myself.

Are you going to be an analyst?
“No, I never left. I read a lot of books.”

Do you ever think about retirement?
“I will work until the last day. Have you seen the old lady from Chicago who jumped with a parachute at the age of 104, although she died a few days later? That’s the way I am.”

Do not leave Saxa Rubra or the parachute will not open.
“I’m counting on the reserve. Always (laughs, editor’s note).”

Read the full article
on Il Messaggero