1709374708 Paola Perego the diagnosis shocked everyone I discovered that I

Paola Perego, the diagnosis shocked everyone: “I discovered that I had kidney cancer”

Paola Perego, the presenter, alerts the fans. “I found out I have kidney cancer.”

Undoubtedly, they are words that hurt a lot when just mentioned by the great woman Paola Perego. Nobody expected this, especially not his many fans, including those from the first hour. The disease What you talked about is serious and affects many people. It's about Renal carcinoma.

She talked to me about it living sincerity She proves once again that she is a strong woman, courageous and determined. In short, a real fighter who didn't hide either his great sensitivity. He can also be fragile Paola and above all, he suffered from very serious illnesses in the past Panic attacks.

She revealed it in her autobiographical book Behind the scenes of my fears which had great success. In the last few months we have seen her dancing more beautifully than ever on the dance floor Dancing with the stars where he conquered us with his grace and that remarkable elegance that have always distinguished it.

Paola Perego and the shocking diagnosis: “I discovered that I have kidney cancer”

He has been leading with his colleague for some time Simona Ventura Sunday morning Rai Due intercom which Italians of all ages really like. Although I am very active at work his health He hasn't smiled at her lately. And she hosted one of her super followers at very correct he spoke about it unfiltered.

The presenter was also emotional and shocked by her words. We're obviously talking about the miraculous Silvia Toffanin who could barely hold back tears during the long interview he was given Paola. “I found out I have kidney cancer”revealed his guest The frost descended on the studio.

Paola Perego talks about the dramaPaola Perego – tendediviaggio.it

Today the worst is over, but she doesn't forget it

The truth is this statement She did it in January via her widely followed official Instagram profile. She was obviously very tired, but had made it clear that she was to have been lucky that I discovered it in time. And that was made possible by exams that she did it for preventive purposes.

So he repeated the great importance of prevention which is mostly essential to save our skin. Obviously she doesn't forget what happened to her and psychologically she still suffers a lot from the operation she underwent and the fact that she is was struck by cancer. However, as he openly admitted, if necessary be encouraged He has several doctor friends he can talk to.

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