“I'm recovering from cancer, so it wasn't an easy time, but now things are going well, I'm slowly recovering.” Paola Perego returns to television, to the living room of Verissimo on Canale 5, to tell how she feels about her experienced illness and what happened afterwards. In January, the presenter shared a post on social media in which she revealed that she had undergone a “partial nephrectomy for a tumor” and thanked the doctor who operated on her. “I created the post with just a text, not because I love sharing private moments of my life, but to remind myself how important prevention is,” he explains on television today. “I wanted to do it for this reason: if I hadn't done it.” “If I hadn't done the check-ups, I wouldn't have discovered that I had kidney cancer and it would have gotten bigger,” emphasizing that she ” I have the “privilege” of being able to afford medical check-ups privately every year. Maybe, he says now, less than a month after the operation, the worst didn't come with the diagnosis, but after.
“During a check-up they noticed that something was wrong, they immediately did another test and the diagnosis came straight away: carcinoma.” “But it became clear to me after the operation that I didn’t understand it straight away,” he admits to Silvia Toffanin's audience, “Before I joked about it, maybe like everyone else I thought it couldn't happen to me.” Now I have to deal with the fact that I had cancer, and that's not easy. It's all so fresh that I still don't understand much about it. They tell me it's normal. Now I started to think: “If my body produces cancer cells, it may continue to do so.” I am lucky to have doctor friends, I was operated on immediately and by very good professionals and now I can even talk about it on TV. He then recounts an episode that well describes his attitude to the disease: “I had a partial nephrectomy because it was a small cancer. Before I went under the knife, I told my children that I had a benign cyst. But the strange thing is that they were the ones who told me, I don't remember it.
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