Paolla asks teenagers to take their voter registration papers PlenoNews

Paolla asks teenagers to take their voter registration papers Pleno.News

Pleno.News 29.04.2022 21:04 | updated on 04/29/2022 21:37

AGN 2356793 039e1651273039919Paolla Oliveira Photo: Beatriz Damy / AgNews

This Thursday (28), Paolla Oliveira took to social media to ask her 16 and 17yearold supporters not to miss the deadline set by the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) and their voters by May 4th.

As teenagers, we want to do so many things, right?! Enjoy, go out, meet friends, date, but then why not participate in the country’s electoral process? Young man, have you done your voter registration yet? If you’re 16 or older, remove your title, he wrote.

In addition to providing information, the actress stressed that “we have a very important year ahead of us” and that “participating in elections is essential”.

Or if you don’t live in the city you’re voting in, have you already moved? We have a very important year ahead of us and turnout is essential. Things will only change if we participate in that change. You can report your situation until April 5th. online at

The precandidate for federal MP in Bahia and former national secretary for incentives and the promotion of culture, André Porciuncula, responded to the artist’s offices.

Every time a celebrity enters politics with nothing on their mind, in desperate hopes of filling that immense existential void, we always encounter a ridiculous scene. It’s good that people don’t take these people seriously anymore.




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