Paolla Oliveira attends Diogo Nogueiras show after controversy over her

Paolla Oliveira attends Diogo Nogueira’s show after controversy over her body

Paolla Oliveira attended the concert of her friend Diogo Nogueira (19) on Thursday evening after responding to comments he received about her body. The Sambista performed at the Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. Paolla was surrounded by fans as she arrived at the venue smiling.

The night before, the actress attended rehearsal at Acadêmicos do Grande Rio, the school where she is Queen of Drums, and received Messages from netizens asking if she’s pregnant.

“Did you think I had a tummy? You know what? With a tummy or without a tummy, I thought I was beautiful, that’s what counts. And come here, folks, not every tummy is a baby bump, no,” countered Paolla video posted to social networks.

“Warning here: Talking about each other’s bodies is a very serious matter. So are we trying not to? […] A woman with a real body is all of us,” she added.

Paolla Oliveira and Diogo Nogueira have become the internet’s favorite couple