Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli have split the announcement is

Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli have split, the announcement is official; Let’s see what they said

Paolo Bonolis and Sonia Bruganelli have split, the announcement is official; Let’s see what they said

Bonolis and Bruganelli have officially splitBonolis and Bruganelli have officially split. After several revelations, rumors and denials, the confirmation is now coming Paul Bonolis And
Sonia Bruganelli they split up

To make the news official as reported by the delivery boy, is the magazine “Vanity Fair”. The two, married since 2002 and father of three children, talk about a new life together that will lead them to separation: “We are separated and yet more united than ever.” We will continue to be there for our family and for each other. “The feeling is strong, but it’s not what brought us together anymore,” they explained.

To the question “How long have you been living apart”? There Bruganelli He replied, “It’s not a matter of date, time, we’re parents, we’ll continue to vacation together, we’ll keep the same momentum.” That’s the news. There are no third parties or lovers involved.” “Maybe they’ll come then…” he added
Bonolis“At that point, they will no longer be lovers.” To our children, we have always been mom and dad, nothing changes. “It’s just missing the physical relationship,” Sonia replied.

Referring to what was wrong with her account, Bonolis told Vanity Fair, “For a time, Sonia had difficulty staying in a situation that was no longer hers. She made an effort and I have to congratulate her for that until it was useless.” to continue. We talked about it, he explained to me, I understood. You can’t expect a person to live anything other than their relationship,” Bruganelli added. Asked why they finally decided to deny the indiscretion of the “then possible” breakup, Bruganelli continued: “Taking back what was ours. It’s okay to be judged because we’re characters in the public eye, but we might as well.”