Paolo Bonolis, the dramatic confession: “I lost my son”

Paolo Bonolis the dramatic confession I lost my son Oggi24it

Conductor among the favorites of the Italian public, Paolo Bonolis experienced difficult personal moments due to the distance to the eldest children, born from the marriage with the American psychologist Diane Zoeller.

Ironic, witty, with a mischievous smile, Paolo Bonolis began working on the small screen in the early ’80s and became known for the children’s show Bim Bum Bam, broadcast on Italia 1 Bonoli’s career it never stopped switching between Mediaset and Rai. Leading presenter of the Biscione networks, Paolo is now considered one of the highest paid on television with a salary of around 10 million euros a year.

Even if Paolo Bonolis’ career has gone very well, his private life has not always been a joy. Becoming a father as a young manwhen his professional path was not yet mapped out, forced the conductor to make such decisions they separated him from his eldest children, Martina and Stefano. It was only later that Bonolis, thanks to his current wife Sonia Bruganelli, managed to overcome the years of distance and silence from the boys who now live in America and are happily married.

Paolo Bonolis, relations with his son Stefano

Verissimo guest Paolo Bonolis had no qualms about making public the pain of so many Years of distance and silence with his son Stefano.

“I argued more by saying ‘I’ than ‘we,'” admitted Bonolis, recalling the years of his marriage to his first wife Diane Zoeller. I was an absent father, then I realized that there are more important values. I took the liberty of saying “we” because I met another “me” who helped me say “we.”

The clue refers in fact to Sonia Bruganelli, the current wife thanks to whom he managed to regain years of silence with his older children.

I lost my son when he was four – explained the conductor, who had moved away from Stefano when he was very young -. I want to thank my wife who helped me build a bridge between the two families.”

“When Stefano was born, I wasn’t satisfied enough with life, and I couldn’t give up my needs. Today we are finally close – he added -. Stefano is a free, very generous and good man and I am happy that he has the woman he loves by his side”.

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Paolo Bonolis, now father and grandfather

The interference of Sonia Bruganelli meant that Paolo Bonolis’ family could be enlarged.

Today the conductor excellent relations with Stefano and Martina Bonoliswho married in America and made him a grandfather, and is happy with the second children born of the marriage to the former Big Brother Vip commentator: Silvia, Davide and Adele.