Paolo Brosio shocked: "I saw my mom die on a video call"


For Paul Brosio The death of the adored mother Anna was a heavy blow. Even more so as this happened. “I saw her die before my eyes on a video call,” he explained in an interview with “Tirreno”. Anna Marcacci, 102 years old, was hospitalized at the San Camillo Clinic in Forte dei Marmi. “They called me to tell me that she was worse, that she was very ill – said Brosio -. I had time to make a video call, talk to her, look at her again. A few moments , the last : then she died”.

A tragedy within a tragedy for Paolo Brosio. Having to say goodbye to your beloved mother and experiencing the moment of detachment live, but being far away. A torment that Brosio related. “I have never left them in recent times – said Brosio – except on Tuesday to reach Brescia for some urgent commitments related to the construction of an emergency room in Medjugorje”.

And during this brief separation, Signora Anna got worse. “They called me to tell me that she is very ill. I had time to make a video call, talk to her, look at her again – he continued –. A few moments, the last: then she died.” For Brosio, what was created is an unfillable void. “She was a mother, grandmother, friend, teacher of life – he recalled again -. She left me an extraordinary spiritual legacy because she taught me prayer and charity. By faith, my mere existence has saved me.”