Paolo Fox the horoscope for 2023 this is how the

Paolo Fox, the horoscope for 2023: this is how the new year will progress sign by sign

That 2023 is on us and Paolo Fox already created ithoroscope For the new Year. The year 2022 is almost behind us, and the well-known TV face has explained in his book how the different elements of the zodiac will play out in the realms of love, luck and work. Here are all the news.


It’s going to be a love-dominant year, provided it’s true love. Some couples may decide to get married and make their dream come true. But the existing relationships will miraculously collapse. The stars are also good for those looking for new sentimental references, but expanding the circle of acquaintances will be important after January. With the favored new projects at work, one wants to take revenge on the problems experienced, but also leads to an increase in responsibility, especially for those who want to get involved.


The year begins with some difficulties, but March will be a month of significant recovery as Venus enters the sign. With May comes a new time that favors encounters. A crucial phase begins for those who want to marry. Jupiter begins a beautiful transit in the sign and the changes will not be long in coming, although much depends on the type of activity taking place.


The first phase of the year has some pitfalls. In February, the stars are contradictory and in the spring, clarification is needed. Love brings good news for singles starting in March, while those burned by a previous relationship will focus on part-time relationships. At work it is important not to be afraid of the future, even if the desire for change is strong, it would be good not to take hasty steps.


February brings great news for love with a positive Venus and Mercury that will help lonely hearts. The planet of love offers sincere emotions, young people who are about to make their first love experiences are very popular. On the other hand, those facing a breakup should pay attention to the bureaucratic procedures, but the solutions will arrive between March and April. Jupiter stays in the opposite position, but not for long. If you are young and looking for a job, it would be good to grab the opportunities that come your way. Good prospects for those working on call.


From February, Venus will no longer face each other, which is obviously a positive sign for feelings. Love awakens and couples who have drifted apart find each other again. It’s going to be a sizzling time for those looking for adventure, you’ll be spoiled for choice. There are still some difficulties at work, there is no lack of desire, but there are contractual problems to be solved. Jupiter is dissonant and so, even with a strong will to change, there remains a certain uncertainty for the future. Avoid acceleration.


2023 starts out slightly subdued with Venus and Mars, which translates to a little too much tension in love. Couples who have been together for a long time may be more affected by the problems and setbacks that one or both partners bring to the couple. At work the Saturn transit will be balanced by the Jupiter transit, before leaving the certain to the unknown, it is advisable to think carefully and not to make hasty decisions.


If you are facing a somewhat sluggish love time, you have to be patient at least until June, when Jupiter will no longer have opposition. In general, the opportunities to expand one’s circle are increasing, and this will allow one to put aside some issues, even financial, that previously caused some concerns. There will be no shortage of news at work: The first months of the year start with positive signals and good news will also arrive in May.


The beginning of the year is a bit gradual, avoid complications and don’t take a proud attitude. In 2023 there could be tension with the partner, but in cases where the situation has now exhausted itself, it would be wise to find the courage to say enough, cutting off the dry branches will make you freer and open to new people feel projected. You want change at work, but be careful not to take hasty steps. A call comes in announcing a new contract, but you have to be careful.


The year begins with great passion from the month of January. The spirit of adventure is very strong, there is an opportunity to start an “extra” relationship that goes beyond the daily commitment. In general, there is a renewed determination that pushes us to take on greater responsibilities but also greater risks. At work, Jupiter starts a nice transit with various news. Certainly a lot depends on the nature of the ongoing activity, but there are many options for those who want to get involved.


From March Saturn will be favorable and this will be immediately followed by a nice transit of Jupiter, allowing you to work things out with your partner. Try to be tolerant and not put your feelings on hold because of overwork. Interesting changes are possible in the professional sphere. Mars and Mercury will be in excellent aspect from August and this will make it possible to overcome some difficulties of the past.


Mars and Venus will be in excellent shape in 2023, although there will be excitement and intolerance at certain times of the year. Let yourself be indulged in passion in January, both for those who are in committed relationships and for those who want to indulge in adventure. At work you are looking for new horizons and in this respect the turning point could come in June when you can start new collaborations. But be careful not to overdo it.


Couples in 2023 are stronger than usual. Worries about the emotional sphere are finally gone and those who have been alone for a long time have to look around. Sparkling surprises in March. At work, the transit of Jupiter offers protection, so you can use your creativity to get a new and important project off the ground. An interesting proposal could arrive in May.

Last updated: Wednesday 21 December 2022 17:35