Woe to omit the physical plane. Because of this Paolo Fox warns the signs of the zodiac month after month. It starts with The Aries which will see the favorable sun in the second half of February. Because of this, those born under this sign will have an excellent 2023. In particular, according to the astrologer, no one will be able to stop them in the month of March from the 16th bull. However, some difficulties can only arise from April, during June, when Mars and Venus are compared.
Let’s continue with the Twins, who can bounce back into shape in May by taking advantage of Venus and Mars. Be careful not to overdo it on days 11-12-20-25-26. On the other hand, the first two weeks of February were exhausting for them Cancer which will recover in August. And again: April to be circled in red for Lion. Fatigue will make those born under this sign less tolerant. Favorable months of the year awards for the Virgo. Around February 20th you have to be very careful. weight scale: psychophysical turmoil in the month of February. Net recovery over the past week.
To close the ranking lo ScorpioSo 2023 starts with a bit of nervousness, that Protect who will enjoy favorable Jupiter and Mars in May, and Capricorn with a good May to get back on track. Finally, here it isAquarium Hello Fish. For the first signs, February will be a complicated month from a physical point of view. Mood and tension swings always in the same month. Secondly, the stars are in a good position in May even if Jupiter is favorable again. Slight tiredness in September. You should not overdo your efforts.