Paris quotWhat scares me the most is nuclear war unfortunately

Paris: "What scares me the most is nuclear war, unfortunately we are on the verge of it" the Adige

BOLZANO. “What scares me the most is nuclear war, which unfortunately we are getting closer to. Even if the probability is small, it is still too much: we are going in the wrong direction.”

In an interview, the Nobel Prize winner for physics Giorgio Parisi said, on vacation in Trafoi, in South Tyrol. Parisi is a guest in the hotel “Bellavista” of the master Gustav Thöni. Max Planck also stayed in the same building in 1920.

“The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved with an agreement that went beyond Cuba. The only way to solve the Ukraine crisis is with an agreement that goes beyond Ukraine, for example by giving Russia a guarantee for demilitarized zones in Europe.”

If you try to reach an agreement through negotiations only in Ukraine, it is difficult to get out of therebut if the field is widened, as was the case with the Cuban Missile Crisis, things can be resolved,” Parisi added, specifying how much physicists have always cared about nuclear weapons.

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Parisi: I’m afraid of a nuclear war

According to the Nobel laureate, a comprehensive agreement is needed for Ukraine

The Italian Nobel Prize winner also spoke of artificial intelligence at the time. “Artificial intelligence,” he said, “has properties that I wouldn’t call worrisome, but that need to be regulated.” With the advent of the printing press, it was regulated by special laws.

Laws on artificial intelligence are also needed, for example on the use of faces in pictures or videos.