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Parliamentary elections in Tunisia: Multiple runoff elections needed

In Tunisia, runoff elections are held after parliamentary elections with very low turnout in most constituencies. According to preliminary results, voters in 131 of the 161 electoral districts will be invited to go to the polls again, as announced yesterday by the Tunisian electoral commission. Consequently, there were only clear winners in 23 constituencies, in seven no candidate could be nominated.

Only 11% voted

According to media reports, the second round elections will be held in late January or early February. According to the election commission, 11% of the more than 9.2 million eligible voters participated. Immediately after the vote on Saturday, she spoke at nearly nine percent. At the time, however, not all polling stations had been included.

The official cited the new election law introduced by President Kais Saied as the reason for the low turnout. This time, citizens could only vote for one representative per constituency. In previous elections, parties or party blocks ran with several candidates. Candidates also had to finance their election campaigns privately, which is why there was almost no advertising in the country.

Observers, on the other hand, see that the main reason people are absent is that they are disappointed in politics. The new parliament will not be able to resolve the plight of many Tunisians. It will also have significantly less power than the previous one.