Pastor Andre Valadao attacks homosexuals in worship God if he

Pastor André Valadão attacks homosexuals in worship: “God, if he could, he would kill everything”

Jair Bolsonaro and André Valadão Photo: Reproduction

During a Sunday sermon at Lagoinha Church in Orlando, USA, Bolsonarist pastor André Valadão again attacked the LGBT population. Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) supporter said if God could “He would kill everything”.

“Now is the time to take the strings back and say no, no, no. “You can stop and start again,” he said. “Oh God says: I can’t take it anymore. I already placed this rainbow there. If I could I would kill everything and start all over again. But I promised myself I couldn’t. Now it’s yours.

According to the former CEO’s supporter, God left us to do the dirty work: “He is with you. Let’s go upstairs, for I and my house will serve the Lord.”

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