One Pastor died trying to fast for 40 days to imitate what Jesus would have done, according to the Bible as given in the Gospel of Matthew (which describes the time Jesus spent in the desert and “was tempted by the devil”). The case happened in the city of Chimoio (Mozambique).
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Francisco Barajah, 39, Founder of the Santa Trindade Evangelical Church, died on the 38th day of fasting after being taken to a hospital in the neighboring city of Beira last Tuesday (February 14) in critical condition, the Mozambican newspaper Notícias reported in Portuguese. He had been taken to the hospital at the urging of relatives and supporters who had been concerned since the 25th day of the fast, when his health began to deteriorate. baraja Powerlessness until getting up, showering and walking.
Francisco was diagnosed in the emergency room acute anemia and failure of your digestive organs. The cleric was rehydrated with serums and attempts were made to introduce liquid nutrition, but it was too late for the sick’s organs to resume their digestive functions.
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Members of the Church of Santa Trindade said it was customary for the pastor, who was also a French teacher, and his followers to fast, but not for as long. Believers said it was the pastor “disfigured” during the long fast.
The family believes that the death was not caused by the long fast, but by one old problem with low blood pressure.
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