Pastor leaves church to record adult videos and earns up

Pastor leaves church to record adult videos and earns up to $20,000 a month

Luiz Rodrigo Goncalves40 years old, and Pamela Gabrielle Oliveira, 22, is a couple originally from the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil, who decided to abandon their religious traditions and seek a more open lifestyle that includes creating adult content. Both have religious backgrounds and share their stories of personal change and exploring new paths.

Before they met, Luiz, who had been a priest for 15 years, had already had experience in the world of crime and had been in prison. His redemption took place in the Christian communities of Pouso Alegre, his place of origin, and Campos do Jordão, where he lived for seven years. However, his transition to a more liberal life was fraught with challenges, particularly due to the strict scrutiny of his clerical acquaintances. “At first it was a little complicated, there were some prejudices, but then people accepted it,” says Luiz. He emphasizes that his faith remains strong despite the changes.

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Pamela, on the other hand, grew up as the only child of conservative parents, but always had the desire to discover larger worlds. “I'm starting to live with him and be who I really am. “He freed me from many taboos, insecurities and fears,” she says about her bond with Luiz.

Pamela Gabrielle lived in a Protestant community until she was 19.  Photo: G1 Globe

Pamela Gabrielle lived in a Protestant community until she was 19. Photo: G1 Globe

How much can the former pastor and his wife earn per month?

After giving up their faith, they began their “new job' and managed to bill between $10,000 and $20,000 per month. Luiz and Pamela have chosen adult content creation as an alternative source of income, balancing this activity with their regular jobs: Luiz works as a chef and Pamela as a model. “After midnight we start this work,” Luiz says of the way they manage both aspects of their lives. They produce a variety of videos, from everyday scenes to thematic fiction, and are always striving to innovate and capture the interest of their audience.

Despite challenges and criticism, especially due to the age difference and their open relationship, Luiz and Pamela emphasize the importance of honesty in their relationship. “We understand each other,” says Luiz. He also emphasizes that mutual understanding is the key to their personal and professional success.