Pati Chapoy is asking for blood donors for a colleague

Pati Chapoy is asking for blood donors for a colleague who is in the intensive care unit

Just a few hours ago, Pati Chapoy, renowned presenter of “Ventaneando”, He urgently called on the show's audience to help in solidarity.

The reason for this request is worrying: One of his colleagues is in a critical situation, fighting in the intensive care unit and in need of blood donors.

This news, published on February 15th, set alarm bells ringing for all of the show's followers. Well, as we know, one of the show's presenters is in the hospital because of a bacterium that has infected his lungs, we're talking about Daniel Bisogno. However, the help Pati requests is not for him as he is said to be recovering.

Czech: Pati Chapoy reveals why Daniel Bisogno returned to the hospital for the third time. Is this serious?

Pati Chapoy alerts networks by asking for blood donors

On this occasion, the help requested by Chapoy is addressed to Eduardo Kuri, director of Total Play, who is reportedly in the intensive care unit of the Ángeles del Pedregal Hospital.

Through her X account the driver stated that “A+ and PLALETTEN blood donors are required.”“.

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What is known about Eduardo Kuri and his current health status?

To date, no further details are known about the health status of Eduardo Kuri, who is known to manage companies he owns. Ricardo Salinas Pliego and is dedicated to offering services relating to telecommunications and the Internet

Czech: Christian Estrada and Aleska had a passionate evening at LCDLF and criticism rained down on them