Paul Piche reviews the 80s

Paul Piché reviews the 80s

Paul Piché has a heart for nostalgia. After touring around Quebec with a tour celebrating his 40-year career, the songwriter is celebrating the 35th anniversary of his album on stage. On the way to the fires. For his Montreal premiere on Friday at the Outremont Theater, the singer served as a very pleasant throwback to “that fun era” of the 1980s.

A castle of sand, on my skin I cry because I love you. All of these songs were played extensively on the radio in the 1980s and sometimes even today.

ENT show by Paul Piché at the Théâtre Outremont.

Photo Agency QMI, Mario Beauregard

After the immense success of the 1970s, Paul Piché was visibly excited to write this record in 1988. The album quickly struck a chord with the Quebec public, earning it a platinum certification (selling over 100,000 copies).

Accompanied by his faithful cronies Rick Haworth (guitar), Mario Légaré (bassist) and Pierre Hébert (drums) who were in the studio with him 35 years ago, Paul Piché decided to revisit these still equally good compositions.

For this new tour, Piché has brought on stage, in addition to his three accomplices, Pierre “Pedro” Bélisle (keyboards) and the author and composer Chloé Lacasse (percussion, choir).

ENT show by Paul Piché at the Théâtre Outremont.

Photo Agency QMI, Mario Beauregard

Generous with the public

Through the crowd, at the bottom of the hall, Paul Piché appeared at the beginning of the concert. “Thank you for being there, really everyone! he started.

“Fire, we fear it but we worship it at the same time. There are the fires of war, but there are also bonfires. There is the burning passion of love. There’s the spark that reignites the flame. Follow me, come with us on the way to the fires. »

ENT show by Paul Piché at the Théâtre Outremont.

Photo Agency QMI, Mario Beauregard

Visibly in good shape, not to say on fire, Paul Piché pulled the audience into his little back pocket with an inspired, felt, intimate and heartfelt performance.

Very generous between pieces, he sometimes detailed the genesis of certain titles, including J’appelle.

“In the beginning I wanted to talk about me, who was hurt. Finally it was a wolf! It was nature that spoke to me. That was in 1988. Today, nature is calling out to us. »

ENT show by Paul Piché at the Théâtre Outremont.

Photo Agency QMI, Mario Beauregard

Three classics

Of course, Paul Piché didn’t want to completely forget the songs from his other albums. From his very first record, Who Belongs To Good Weather? he performed three pieces: There’s not much in the sky at night (which earned him an ovation), Happy with a spring and My Joe.

Before the latest piece, Stopping, Paul Piché gave an uncommitted speech. “Every gesture counts. We feel helpless. We really want it to stop, pollution, war, social injustice or… lying in politics. I think the war will stop before then! »

Paul Piché presents his tour On the way to the fires anywhere in Quebec.