Paulinha Leite is famous for her lottery winnings and will

Paulinha Leite is famous for her lottery winnings and will marry an American Portal iG

After more than 50 lottery wins, exBBB Paulinha Leite is set to marry an American Photo: Reproduction/ Instagram

After more than 50 lottery wins, exBBB Paulinha Leite is set to marry an American


After winning the lottery more than 50 times, former BBB 11 Paulinha Leite rose to national prominence. Last time alone, almost R$3 million went into a pool. The award came at the right time as she was officially due to marry North American Dakota Ballard in three months, as she said in an interview with the Play column in the O Globo newspaper.

The civil wedding took place last month, but the church ceremony is scheduled for January 24 in Roraima, where he currently lives. Paulinha says she met the engineer on a dating app during her yearlong study abroad in California in the US. The couple intends to live in Brazil.

“His family is coming from the US for the wedding. It will take place in the church at night. I am catholic. And then I’ll host a reception. It will be for our family, about 150, “200 at most,” she said.

While preparing for the big day, Paulinha said she had changed her diet and exercise regime to lose weight before the wedding: “I will be going back to the gym regularly. I wanted to lose another eight kilos, but I’m doing that.” “I’ve been at peace with the scale for a while. “I’m fine now,” assured the exBBB.

In the column she also admitted that she once had binge eating: “I finally managed to learn to eat. I treated it, I went to the endocrinologist, to the psychologist, to all the doctors. I took it seriously. I am a fan of intermittent fasting, it has helped me a lot to get rid of my compulsion. Now I manage to maintain my weight.”

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