PCO uses public funds to pay for the services of

PCO uses public funds to pay for the services of Hamas defenders Metrópoles

11/13/2023 6:59 p.m., updated 11/13/2023 8:44 p.m

The PCO invested R$1 million to fund the services of the demonstrating party activists Support for the actions of the terrorist group Hamas. The accountability refers to the year 2022, as this year’s financial report has not been submitted to the TSE.

The party received R$3,102 million in election funds and raised R$3,180 million last year through donations from activists.

The farleft party spent R$555,000 on printing materials at the company JCO Gráfica e Editora Ltda, which has a PCO leader as managing partner. Lísia Sakai, the party’s candidate for federal parliamentarian in 2022, recorded a video on the 10th declaring her support for “Hamas’ armed struggle against the genocidal State of Israel.”


The PCO spent another R$205,000 on audiovisual material produced by Francisco Weiss Muniz. He identifies himself as a party member on X (the old Twitter). Muniz uses his profile to share posts attributing the October 7 terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians to the Israeli army. He also tweeted praise for Hamas.

Juliano Vital Brazil Simonard, another PCO activist, earned R$136,000 for providing technicalprofessional services. Simonard uses his X profile to share images and texts in support of Hamas. The contributions include criticism of leftwing parties that condemned Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians.

João Vitor Dauzaker de Souza is also a member of the PCO and received R$ 126,000 for the provision of technicalprofessional services. He shares posts that classify Hamas’ actions as selfdefense. In the most recent publication, Souza reposted a photo with a critical caption on the left. “The left, which does not defend Hamas, must explain to us how the Palestinians will confront Israel. With flowers and a rejection letter?” the message says.

The PCO has organized events in São Paulo in support of Hamas’ role in the war against Israel. Party leader Rui Costa Pimenta has already publicly stated that he agrees “1000%” with Hamas.