Pellet stoves, heating costs more: how many bags do you need?

Heating costs more: How many sacks of pellets do you need to run and heat the stove?

Pellets: exaggerated increases Pellets for stove (Pixabay)


In the groins Yearsmany families have opted for it opt for heating with stoves a pellets. It seemed so until last year selection really beneficial that Price the pellets were convenient to the plant of heating it was really effective and the cold of winter didn’t wake me at all Worries. For this winter, as we know, things are a lot different. That Price of pellets is increasing: but how many bags they are needed today to be able to heat one hometown? Let’s find out right away.

Pellets: how many bags are needed today?

Pellet costs are skyrocketing Pellet stove in operation (Pixabay)

L’winter it is no longer a distant concern, as might have been predicted without exception arrived. The temperatures that have been so far Happily kept enough high for the season they are now slacking off quickly and the use of heaters necessary. With the economic crisis guided The costs of this will also be difficult to bear heating.

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As we have already said, many Familyshave decided to do so in recent years entrust the heating of your house ovens operated with pellets. But with that price increasesunstoppable, the price of this product has also increased not sustainable. If it was until last year possible Buy the pellets between 4 and from 4.50 Euro per bag, prices today are more than doubled. Each bag of pellets has one costsin fact from approx 12 euros and an increase is expected greater in the coming months this could lead to a cost per bag 14 EUR.

But why the ovens Pellets, they suddenly became also for heating expensive? War between Russia and Ukraine can be considered one reason: We bought from these countries 2021 about the 10% of the pellets that we have consumed. Though not turns out be a percentage like this high being able to influence prices so decisively currently. Our country produces approx 450 A thousand tons of pellets, that means l‘85% is imported, but from where? Mainly off France and Germanybut also from Canada, Vietnam, China and the United States.

How much does heating with pellets cost?

The problem is, it’s you To in our country is that many have been carried out installations of pellet stoves, but the production is not elevated. Also in this case, as with gas and electricity, we are therefore employee from foreign countries. If it’s true, then that’s the situation geopolitics concerned, it is true that the market it works very simply: more Salt the demand and the higher i Prices. And that’s who explanation more plausible to justify the increase as well suddenly and inflated prices.

But how much does it cost Warm up, today a house with pellets? A bag of pellets hard on average per day the house is approx 7/8 hrs. for a heating of 12 Hours it takes a bag and a half day. want to take thoughtfulness current prices, from 12 Euro per bag (on average), the cost for the whole winter would vary between 1500 and from 2000 EUR.

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Last year, however, the cost total for the whole winter it was approx 800 EUR. A beautiful difference, which therefore has a major impact on the administrative costs of the budget. There are many people who have selection Pellets do not buy, especially in the Hope that prices can fall in winter forwarded.