Pellets in November: Prices continued to fall

2.9 percent cheaper than the previous month, 37.7 percent cheaper than the previous year, and significantly cheaper than natural gas and heating oil

Vienna (OTS) – Wood pellets currently cost an average of 37.73 cents per kilogram in Austria. This makes them 2.9% cheaper than the previous month and 37.7% cheaper than in November of the previous year. Extra-light heating oil and natural gas turn out to be significantly more expensive. Natural gas currently costs more than twice and extra-light heating oil costs more than half.

Heating fossil fuels is expensive

Currently, extra-light heating oil is 69.0% more expensive than pellets, while natural gas is 127% more expensive. An average family uses around 5.5 tons of pellets per year. Compared to heating oil, this currently saves more than 1,430 euros for the heating season. Based on current average natural gas prices, the savings for the next heating season would be 2,874.2 euros.

“Anyone who relies on pellets in Austria is choosing a sustainable and economical heating solution”, explains Christian Rakos, General Manager of proPellets Austria. Wood pellets are produced from sawdust in more than 50 Austrian factories, making them an ideal regional energy source. “This production method makes pellets an environmentally friendly fuel. They also make a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions, especially when households switch from fossil fuels such as heating oil to pellets – a reduction of an impressive 97 percent is possible. “Furthermore, pellets have continued to be the most cost-effective comfort fuel over the past 20 years, even in times of crisis,” adds Rakos.

Now there is clarity: there are no price agreements for pellets

After an intensive year-long investigation, the Federal Competition Authority (BWB) closed the case against proPellets Austria. This decision makes it clear that it was not the price agreements, but rather the market turmoil caused by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, that was responsible for the temporary increases in pellet prices. Christian Rakos, Managing Director of proPellets Austria, comments: “The discontinuation of the process by the BWB now creates clarity and is a confirmation of the trust that more than 200,000 families place in our environmentally friendly, regionally produced fuel wood pellets. It is reassuring to know that the allegations made have now been resolved.”

Photo, free reprint
DI Photo Dr. Christian Rakos, General Director of proPellets Austria © proPelletsAustria

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About proPellets Austria
The vision and objective of proPellets is the energy transition in heating. The pellets aim to make a significant contribution to the replacement of fossil energy with renewable energy in Austria. proPellets connects and represents the Austrian pellet industry and serves as an interface and information platform for politics, the media as well as companies and customers who want to switch to renewable energy for heating.

Questions and contact:

Hans Peter Triebnig
Press spokesperson, proPellets Austria
+43 699 19013383
[email protected]