Perfect city in Saudi Arabia The project presents a futuristic

Perfect city in Saudi Arabia? The project presents a futuristic vision of urbanism

In the vastness of the desert, a futuristic vision becomes reality Saudi Arabia. This vertical city called “The Line” is about to challenge the paradigms of urban development and shape the concept of cities of the future.

At a remarkable 170 kilometers long, 200 meters wide and 500 meters high, The Line is a bold initiative that stretches from the Red Sea to the heart of the desert.

The ambitious goal is to accommodate nine million residents in a futuristic 34 square kilometer area.

Construction of the first phase is already underway. The facade of the building is completely mirrored and harmonizes with the desert landscape.

Internally, The Line aims to operate with zero carbon emissions, use 100% renewable energy and dedicate 95% of the land to conservation. Nature.

One of the most striking features is the absence of cars and roads. Transportation is facilitated by a highspeed train called “The Backbone.”

It is expected to cover the city from one end to the other in just 20 minutes, ensuring efficient mobility for residents and visitors.

Attract the best talent from academic ecosystems

The project is coordinated by NEOM, a visionary initiative aimed at attracting the best talent from academic and technology ecosystems such as MIT, Silicon Valley and Stanford.

The line's priorities include health and wellbeing, with key amenities such as schools and medical services just minutes away and ample access to nature through wellplanned open spaces.

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and CEO of NEOM describes the design of the vertical city as Zero Gravity Urbanism, allowing movements in three dimensions to access its functions.

Despite the grandiose promises, experts from the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) criticized the logistics and concluded that it should not be a model for future cities.

A vertical city project is being developed in Saudi Arabia Image: Giles Pendleton/The Line

Rafael PrietoCuriel, who was involved in the project analysis, emphasizes that a linear city is perhaps the least efficient form of all and goes against the tradition of round cities throughout human history.

Despite the challenges and criticism, The Line is determined to redefine the future of urban developmentThis puts Saudi Arabia at the forefront of architectural and urban innovation.