Perfect Love Gilda makes living with Marcelino even worse with

Perfect Love: Gilda makes living with Marcelino even worse with a new ally

1 of 4 In Perfect Love, Gilda finds a new ally in Rita Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction. Gilda finds a new ally in Rita in Perfect Love Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

in perfect love, Marcellin (Levi Asaf) will not back down from his stance and back down Gilda (Mariana Ximenes). The boy will continue to make the villain realize that despite all the luxury in the mansion, he is unhappy. And the redhead, in turn, insists on his good character, but is stressed out by the silence of the new “son”.

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In this situation, she will find Rita (Talita Feuser), his new employee, the ideal person to keep an eye on the boy like an executioner.

“He will have to accept me as a mother! Make or break!” she will complain at the dining table after the boy has gone into his room in silence and without anything to eat.

“Don’t stay like that, Dona Gilda,” Rita replies, supporting her new mistress. “Marcelino challenges you, but he’ll soon learn that you’re in charge now. (…) Everything is still new to him. But trust me, after a while he will get used to you. As a child, I understand. Did I mention I worked at an orphanage?” she will say.

2 of 4 Gilda will be happy to know that Rita worked in an orphanage Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo Gilda will be happy to know that Rita worked in an orphanage Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

“Is that so?” Gilda asks, interested in finding out more.

“I was taking care of a couple of kids and walking them on a short leash. I made her obey me, oh I did!” recalls Rita.

“I didn’t know you worked in a place like this!” says the villain, seeing a new ally.

3 of 4 Rita will act as Marcelino’s executioner Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo Rita will act as Marcelino’s executioner Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

“There are many things you don’t know about me, but don’t worry I’m here to help you. You can count on me to reconcile Marcelino.”

And indeed, Gilda will adopt an even more rigid attitude towards the boy. Like the good villain that she is, she will try to isolate you from the people who were important in your life up to that point.

“Marcelino can’t leave the house, Rita. Don’t let him rejoin the Brotherhood. One more thing: don’t give him anything to eat until dinner. He must learn how to behave at the table, and on an empty stomach he will be more docile,” she will command.

4 of 4 Neiva will intercede on behalf of Marcelino Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo Neiva will intercede on behalf of Marcelino Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

“Hey, Ms. Gilda, he thinks the change is strange, poor thing…” she will say, trying to lighten the situation.

“And most importantly, he is forbidden to receive visitors. I don’t even want a priest sneaking in here, let alone Marê or Orlando. Did you understand it well, Neiva?” replies the villain.