1664794873 Peru won the gold medal

Peru won the gold medal

Peru won the gold medal

By Luis Imana

Yesterday was the second day of the Asuncion 2022 South American Games and Peru is already celebrating its first medal. Originator of this joy was Deivid Tuesta, who showed his best version in the skateboard finals.

Despite finishing the semi-finals of the street modality in sixth place overall, the 19-year-old skater ultimately won first place, which was held at the Paraguayan Olympic Committee (COP) skate park.

Tuesta prevailed with a total of 355.31 points, beating Colombian Jhan González (324.65 points) and Brazilian Joao Miranda (309.99 points), who finished second and third.

This began Deivid Peru’s journey up the South American Games medal table with hopes of ending the tournament with a large tally of medals that will propel the country to the top of South America.

Ángelo Caro, on the other hand, had to settle for fifth place with 292.66 points. The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games competitor finished the semifinals as the leader of the standings.

After his performance in this phase, the 23-year-old skater went into the race as the favorite for the gold medal. Unfortunately, Caro couldn’t get on the podium with the South Americans.

A total of 400 Peruvian athletes take part in the South American Games. Our athletes have competed for a medal in 46 of the 53 disciplines celebrated at this event.

The national delegation has experienced athletes such as Alexandra Grande (karate), Diego Elías (squash), Nicolás Pacheco and Marko Carrillo (shooting), as well as Jovana de la Cruz, César Rodríguez and Luis Henry Campos (athletics). In addition, 25 disciplines will be awarded the passport to the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago.

The 2022 South American Games began on Saturday October 1st and will end on the 15th of the same month.