Perus glaciers have been decimated by climate change Institutional EBC

Peru’s glaciers have been decimated by climate change Institutional EBC

Peru has lost 56% of its tropical glaciers over the past six decades due to climate change, according to a new government survey.Perus glaciers have been decimated by climate change Institutional EBCPerus glaciers have been decimated by climate change Institutional EBC

Peru is home to 68% of the world’s tropical glaciers, and rising temperatures have caused them to melt and create new mountain lagoons that are at risk of overflowing and triggering floods, the National Institute for Glacial and Mountain Ecosystem Research said.

The report uses satellite images taken through 2020 and shows that Peru has 2,084 glaciers covering 1,050 square kilometers (km²), compared to 2,399 km² of ice and snow in 1962.

“In four years, from 2016 to 2020, we lost almost 6% of these high mountain glaciers,” said Beatriz Fuentealba, director of the institute, from the Ancash region, where many glaciers have disappeared.

According to the study, 164 lakes have emerged or are in the process of forming in the last four years, bringing the number of glaciers to 8,466 and covering an area of ​​around 1,081 km².

“The new lagoons could be water reserves in the future, but since they are located at high altitudes, there is a risk of flooding and flooding,” said Jesus Gomez, director of glacial research at the Ministry of Environment.

Almost all of Peru’s tropical glaciers are more than 6,000 meters above sea level, while the new lagoons are at an altitude of between 4,000 and 5,000 meters, the report said.

Almost 20 million Peruvians benefit directly or indirectly from the water flowing from the glaciers.

“This means that we have lost more than half of our water reserves,” said Environment Minister Albina Ruiz, pointing out that the retreat of glaciers is affecting the natural ecosystem of the mountains.

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