Pétala Barreiros wins the “Fire Trial” and secures the Lantern for Group A


The pawn overcame rivals and seized power that could change the game next Tuesday

By Ysac Freitas

11/06/2022 10:46pm BRT

11/06/2022 10:46pm BRT

Playback / TV recordingPlayback / TV recordingYsac Freitas

Fazenda 14 provided a topic of conversation this Sunday! And whoever laughs in vain is the Peon Pétala Barreiros. The influencer won the Fire Trial and managed to claim the power of the Lantern this week. Pétala entered the race with André Marinho and Kerline, who were automatically sent to Baia. Within the test, each pedestrian had the opportunity to choose two other pedestrians to help them with activities that involved concentration, spatial awareness and hearing.

Pétala chose the pawn Iran and Deolane to join his team. André Marinho fielded Pelé and Alex, and Kerline stayed with Deborah and Ruivinha de Marte. Divided teams, rural headquarters competition. Earlier, Adriane Galisteu revealed the power of the Green Flame that had the hand of the public.

The option most requested by netizens was B: “You’ll get the rest of today,” said the presenter. Black Power will be open to the public and pedestrians only at the formation of the Roça next Tuesday.

The climate among the peons is not easy, as the program progresses conflicts between the groups themselves brew, leading to differences of opinion out here and possible gamechanging within rural headquarters. With new power, Group A will be able to strategize to mitigate Lucas’ exit.