Petition to the Federal Government Amendment of the Pyrotechnics Law

Petition to the Federal Government: Amendment of the Pyrotechnics Law: Prohibition of fireworks and private fireworks

On this occasion, I would like to remind everyone of this important petition initiated by VGT:

The annual New Year's Eve fireworks are caught between short-term fun and negative effects on animals and the environment!

It is now well known that numerous animals are very frightened by the firing of rockets. The suffering of dogs and other animals in our homes receives special attention, but wild animals or animals in stables are also often driven to panic by fireworks. Especially on New Year's Eve – in the middle of winter – any form of avoidable energy loss poses a threat to wild animals – the panic caused by rocket launches can quickly become fatal for them. Birds and other wildlife are regularly found dead after New Year's Eve.

In addition to the obvious animal suffering, environmental pollution caused by rocket combustion and the resulting waste is also a major problem. Especially in cities that are already polluted with fine dust, New Year's Eve fireworks greatly increase the number of harmful particles in the air. Each rocket also consists of 60 to 70% trash, which lands again somewhere every time it is fired. The waste, some of which contains toxic components, ends up “widespread” in gardens, forests, parks and meadows.

Petition to the federal government
VGT continues to support the ban on private fireworks and the promotion of public alternatives that are friendly to the environment, animals and people. Please join this petition with your signature so that senseless shooting victims can be prevented in the future!

>>> Link to the petition

Happy New Year and greetings Silvia

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