Petraeus quotIf Putin used nuclear power we would eliminate Russian

Petraeus: "If Putin used nuclear power, we would eliminate Russian forces in Ukraine"

The United States, along with NATO allies, would “eliminate” Russian forces in Ukraine if Russian President Vladimir Putin decides to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. That’s what retired general and former CIA chief David Petraeus told ABC. For Petraeus, Western powers must take Russia’s nuclear threats seriously. “Just to give you a guess” in case “I think we would respond by eliminating every Russian conventional force that we see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea can,” explained Petraeus.

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A nuclear attack “could not go unanswered. But it doesn’t have to be a big answer: It’s not nuclear for nuclear. You don’t want to get into a nuclear escalation again, but you have to prove that this can’t be accepted in any way” .