Petrol tax Pichetto quotStop cutting because the price is bearablequot

Petrol tax, Pichetto: "Stop cutting because the price is bearable"

“Evaluating the decision to abolish excise duties means moving to taxation elsewhere. When the first intervention in excise duties was envisaged, I was Deputy Minister for Economic Development, we did it because we realized that we were breaking the EUR 2 mark. Today a selection was made, an evaluation with a justification of the priorities: we made a 21 billion euro intervention on the accounting system and the intervention on excise duties was gradually reduced to zero because the price is physiological still bearable when it’s right it’s hard to say… Somehow you have to find a way to restore the balance”. This was stated by the Minister for Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, while zapping on Radio Uno Rai.

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Gas chapter: “None of us – continues the minister – have a crystal ball, we are working for a year to make the system safe. My concern as Minister for Energy Security is to create enough storage to guarantee next winter. The second element: I believe that with the price cap agreement at European level, the conditions have been created to avoid a price explosion,” said the minister. Let’s assume higher inventories, so far we’ve had it particularly mild and we’ve consumed about 5,000 cubic meters of gas less. With the price increase, someone reduced consumption. On the other hand, everyone has persuaded us to avoid waste. A glimmer of hope with regard to autumn 2023 is that the sources of supply have been differentiated with Algeria and TAP. The gas price “is still high” even if it “has returned to pre-war levels, apart from the invasion of Ukraine by Russia: we are talking about historical “evils” that have nothing to do with war”.