PF operation has reduced Bolsonarian spirit on networks says poll

PF operation has reduced Bolsonarian spirit on networks, says poll Diário do Centro do

Jair Bolsonaro was the target of a PF operation Photo: Agência Brasil

A report by the consulting firm Arquimedes indicates that last Wednesday (3), when the federal police launched a search and seizure operation at Jair Bolsonaro’s (PL) home, his supporters made little effort to defend him on social media . According to the analysis, the right was responsible for 184.6 thousand tweets, which is 40.5% of the total number of posts on the topic.

Compared to last Monday (1st), when the vote on the fake news project was postponed, parliamentarians from the Bolsonarist base were 3.3 times more present on the internet to reiterate their opposition to the agenda set by them referred to as the “PL of censorship”. On that day there were 615,400 publications with reviews.

Also according to the study requested by the newspaper O Globo, while the former president was the target of the PF operation for alleged fraud with his vaccination card against Covid19, the government grassroots dominated the narrative on the networks, accounting for 59.9% of the mentions Twitter.

Supporters of the former president defended the version that he was being persecuted by the system, which wanted to dismantle rights. MP Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL) made the main contribution on the issue: “Bolsonaro always said that he didn’t take the vaccine because he read Pfizer’s leaflet. He determined the purchase of +600 million doses and his policy was one of freedom: whoever wants, vaccinates.”

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