Photos after Annas birth

Photos after Anna’s birth

Cristiana Capotondi attended the second edition of the Accademia della Stella, a Negroni event that talks about new talent and making videos. At the event, she was a real “star” alongside presenter Daniela Collu and the rest of the jury with Francesco Castelnuovo and Claudio Di Biagio. For the actress, who recently revealed that she had become the mother of little Anna, it is a very special and special moment at the same time.

Cristiana Capotondi, the first photos after Anna’s birth

For all intents and purposes, it is the first “public” appearance as a mother, although almost a month has passed since Anna’s arrival in his life. For the occasion, Cristiana Capotondi has decided to show one trendy look, of minimal chic influence, which she has always excelled at: light sweater and long skirt, almost to the ankle. Heels and a few accessories including necklaces that contrasted with the black sweater.

Collected hair, makeup mentioned earlier: chic simplicity for Capotondiwhat for them first official mom look definitely hit the mark and confirmed that it is always on trend in terms of fashion choice. Only on September 16 her first daughter Anna was born: despite the rumors about a possible pregnancy, she never confirmed to the press that she was pregnant until she spoke about it Separation from Andrea Pezzi, with whom she has been associated for fifteen years. In any case, the former couple remained on the best of terms.

Cristiana Capotondi, maternity at 42

On the private and sentimental life of the actress He never wanted to open up that much, as it should be. Of course she’s a “Vip”, she’s exposed to the public, but that doesn’t mean that you have to necessarily share all aspects of your life with newspapers or social networks. Because of this, he always tried maintain the strictest confidentialityand she did so in the Ansa press release announcing she had become a mother.

The artist did not want to reveal the identity of Anna’s father: Along with announcing the little girl’s arrival into her life, she also shared that she had split from her historical partner Andrea Pezzi. Despite the estrangement and the end of love, the latter stayed by her side, accompanying her on this incredible journey for which Capotondi was distinguished for her courage and strength.

A strong desire to protect private life

Prior to the Ansa notice, there was no announcement, no information posted on Instagram, or “suspicious” photos. Far from it. Even at the Accademia della Stella event, Capotondi didn’t add any privacy details or share any reference to the child, instead addressing other speeches.

As always, he preferred to talk about work. “Never like today, generational exchange can bring renewal to our cinema and help to complete the education of young people thanks to the relationship with the great masters.” He commented on cinema, his great love, as well as new talent and the importance that the masters of the Not forgetting the past, for a generational continuation renewed with new and young promises.