1651223188 PiazzaPulita Russian MP Popov quotIt was the Azov battalionquot And

PiazzaPulita, Russian MP Popov: "It was the Azov battalion". And Formigli rages …

PiazzaPulita Russian MP Popov quotIt was the Azov battalionquot And

“That Azov battalion he took civilians as a human shield and razed the city of Mariupol to the ground “: he is convinced of that Evgeny Popov, Russian journalist and deputy, Corrado Formigli’s guest in PiazzaPulita at La7. “We have evidence, every hospital, every civilian place was used as a shield and it’s a terrible act,” the man said, recounting his own version of events. However, the conductor could not help but remark: “The way in which Mariupol was destroyed is incompatible with his theory. It is obvious that both the Russians and the Ukrainians entered the houses to carry out their offensive and defensive actions, but you knew very well that there were also civilians in these buildings and you have them deliberately bombed, to kill them”.

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Formigli then turned to his host and continued: “Did you know that alongside those of Azov there were also civilians, such is the ruthless logic of war. A war, but started by you. Before the Russians arrived. Mariupol was a standing city, where people lived, ate, had their children and today have nothing left!” Popov also spoke of the risk of using nuclear weapons, but defined it: “zero”: “That’s what Westerners are talking about, who maybe they want to destroy my country now , but as for Putin’s ambitions, I have already told you that the program is not an occupation, we want a Ukraine that does not pose a threat to the country. We don’t want NATO and the western world to jeopardize our sovereignty.”

Evgeniy Popov in Piazza Pulita, the video

how we fight  Azov battalion, the war in the first person: video shock from Mariupol |  Strong images

“Ukraine is also sovereign, do you recognize its sovereignty?” Formigli then asked him. And he: “Of course I worked in Ukraine for four years.” At this point, the host asked him another question: “What would happen on his talk show if he criticized Putin for the war in Ukraine?”. “Don’t believe the myths of Ukraine and the West, You can talk and you can criticize in Russia,” he commented.

Azov Battalion, the interior of the Mariupol Steelworks and the wounded soldiers

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