1703518700 Pier Silvio Berlusconi has argued with the former culture professor

Pier Silvio Berlusconi has argued with the former culture professor: Trouble is in the air for Silvia Toffanin Tendendiviaggio

Pier Silvio Berlusconi was caught accompanying the former culture professor. Serious difficulties threaten for the beautiful Silvia Toffanin.

Once again the couple finds themselves in turmoil. Despite the CEO of Mediaset Networks and be Silvia Toffanin They are decidedly very reserved people, but never let chatter stop them wildest gossip. After all, we know that Gossip Things are going great in our country.

And they are two real celebrities However, they arouse enormous interest among the general public, which often spills over into the purely professional area. Definitely the fact that The two are not getting married yetEven though they've been together practically their entire lives, keeping them around doesn't help away from gossip.

This is even more true since they also gave birth to two creatures together Lorenzo Mattia and Sofia Valentina. And to protect them from the media hype, they thought it best to do so live in Portofino where they all settled. But now the couple's beating hearts are about to shatter into a thousand pieces. He pinched along the former professor of L'Eredità.

Pier Silvio Berlusconi has chickened out with the former culture professor

The young woman, who is also a talented model and is in high demand as a testimonial for various brands and numerous companies, has one Miss. It is not for nothing that she is beautiful and has spectacular physicality a charm all its own. Let's say it really takes very little to stand out, and that It's not something that goes unnoticed when he enters a room or space.

He can dance, sing and lead. He also has a nice temperament and a very fluent speaker. For a long time we admired her on the evening game show, hosted by the charismatic Flavio Insinna. We later applauded her as a candidate This and that show and more recently in The most common place to be spied on is a house in Italy. So, do you understand who we are talking about? Name it!

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He meets the beautiful Samira

Yes, that's right, it's her: the pretty one Samira Lui. Certainly his departure from the scene Big Brother according to the will of the public, as it was the most voted for Televoting, left a classic bitter taste in most people. However, once the disappointment was over, she had many reasons to smile. First, it owns a very large number of admirers who literally adore them.

And then he has a very important task “in the game”. Mediaset brand. In fact, she will be the one to support you Gerry Scottithe true jewel of the Biscione company, at the head of a new and highly anticipated edition of The Wheel of Fortune. Ergo: the encounter with the fascinating Pier Silvio, Documented by the showgirl herself, there's nothing strange about it. There were only greetings and warm conversations between two professionals.