Pierre La Sultana the historical soothsayer famous on private Roman

Pierre La Sultana, the historical soothsayer famous on private Roman broadcasters RomaToday is dead

Pierre La Sultana, Rome’s most famous fortune teller, has died at the age of 66. With his Roman speech he answered customers and admirers directly. It was very popular, so much so that it became a cult figure on private Roman television. But not only. The web hadn’t stopped it; on the contrary, it had multiplied its notoriety.

It went viral on social media, Facebook and thanks to the opening of a YouTube channel. His “followers”, thousands. On July 16th last appearance at the shaman meeting on the Pontina ‘Shaman Soul’. The staff of his Facebook page announced yesterday (however, he died last Monday): “Pierre has sadly left us. Really happy to be able to bring a little joy and ease to everyone who has come through here through this site. . Even happier to have lived it. We will miss him.

A message accompanying the announcement of his death, shared by over 1500 people and commented on by more than 2400 users. A little later the announcement of the last farewell, the “ceremony will take place on Friday morning at 10 a.m. in the Tempietto Egiziano al Vörano. Thanks to everyone who wants to take part”.

Born in Algeria in 1966, she had renamed herself “Sultana” and while directing local programs had become nationally famous, even as a trash character. In addition to his 17 decks of cards, unusual objects such as pestles and carpet beaters were always on his desk to draw the viewer’s attention. It also landed on Striscia La Notia and on Rai, as well as several also hosted on private radios in Rome and beyond.