The Canadian left is nervous –

Pierre Poilievre goes to the cinema –

The bet is unusual.

In a world where the political class thrives on mini-clips and shocking phrases on social media to appeal to the electorate, Pierre Poilievre has just unveiled a “documentary”!

The title is enough to capture the imagination: Living Hell.

Who will care about the Conservative leader’s 15-minute rant to be convinced that the Trudeau government is responsible for inflation and Canada’s unprecedented housing crisis?

Quite a few people… The video has so far had 3 million views on X and more than 185,000 on YouTube.

In the world of political communication, this borders on a small revolution.


So the person who is always criticized for pursuing politics with slogans and half-truths takes the time to explain in detail the causes of the crisis that is currently shaking Canada.

How is it that Canada is the G7 country with the fewest houses per capita? How did rent and down payment prices double in eight years? Why does Slovakia, as the only country in Europe, take longer than Canada to approve new real estate projects?

By daring to delve into the heart of these issues with supporting statistics, graphics and data, Pierre Poilievre not only educates, he also seeks to respond to his critics.

Beneath the conservative populist lies an avowed nerd.

There’s something ironic about watching the most polarizing politician of his generation rely on voters’ intelligence to persuade them.

This is the Pierre Poilievre paradox.