Pino Insegno and Hoara Borselli moderators of the centre right

Pino Insegno and Hoara Borselli, “moderators” of the centre right party (and full name Rai)

From the (election) stage to the lights (of a Rai studio), the move, they say, would be short and imminent. Take Pino Insegno, the most popular name at the moment. The voice actor, radio and television presenter, former Premiata Ditta, presented a few days ago in Ancona the event in favor of the centre-right mayoral candidate Daniele Silvetti with the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (who was honored with a reverent kiss), the deputy Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini, a triumvirate of great power in government. Like a dress rehearsal, because the best still seems to lie ahead of us and is not far off. It was he who ended his election campaign in Rome’s Piazza del Popolo last September. And since then he has been spotted several times (four) entering and exiting Palazzo Chigi as if he were a strategic advisor. “My business, I come because there is good coffee here,” he replied when asked.

Now that many see him as the next face of Raiuno – initially replacing Flavio Insinna in L’Eredità – he’s become less talkative and more sullen: “I don’t talk to you journalists, I have nothing to tell.” You, try don’t even bother playing certain games with me,” he replies.

More available Hoara Borselli, showgirl, actress, winner of Dancing with the Stars (2005), now journalist and television commentator mainly at Mediaset. Recently she also closed the election campaign of the centre-right candidate for mayor of Brescia, Fabio Rolfi, with Meloni, Salvini, Tajani and Lupi. “It’s not the first time, I even did it for Attilio Fontana in the Lombardy race,” Gentile explains. “I don’t propose, they call me and I leave, for me it’s a source of great satisfaction, I would do it for the centre-left party too, but it didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have any problems.” Eventually I also write about Matteo Renzi’s reformist, even if I have right-wing ideas and I’ve never hidden them.” Now that Roberto Sergio is the CEO, he doesn’t dare to make a career out of Viale Mazzini: “I’m not aware that my name is mentioned, I have no goals.” We already knew Giorgia Meloni from before, nothing has changed ». Whether it is true or just pre-tactical will soon become apparent as the palimpsests are compiled.

In which, again according to the most insistent but unconfirmed rumors, for information, Canale 5’s Nicola Porro could appear. Like Luca Barbareschi, even on Raitre. Internal Manuela Moreno, star of Rg2 Post, is on the rise. Confirmed but with more space, Nunzia De Girolamo and Serena Autieri. Even the return of Claudio Lippi is mentioned (last appearance on Rai in 2012 together with Elisa Isoardi), who had almost disappeared from the TV screen. In short, it seems like forever since Giorgia Meloni felt discouraged in 2022 : Aren’t there right artists?». With her firmly in place in government, the trend seems to have magically reversed.