1687670424 Pinuccia what happened after UeDs throne fell Thats why he

Pinuccia, what happened after UeD’s throne fell? That’s why he left MovieTele.it

Men and Women by Maria De Filippi has been on the air for more than 20 years. Aired daily from Monday to Friday, the program keeps the Italian public company. A new episode starts every day at 2:45 p.m. sharp. In recent years, the choice has been made to combine both the classic throne and the overthrone.

The purpose is basically the same: women and men participate in the program to find love. They give themselves completely to the game by knowing the men and women of the parterre around the throne. While in the case of the classic throne, the form between Tronista and suitor remains unchanged. The only difference between the two thrones is that with the classic throne, participants cannot feel outside of the program.

Men and Women by Maria De Filippi Men and Women by Maria De Filippi

In addition to the search for love, there is no lack of continuous conversations with the two commentators who are in the studio. Gianni Sperti and Tina Cipollari have been dealing with this role for years and, above all, the latter has had several interviews over the years with some of the people who have taken part in the show. Including Pinuccia. Do you remember that? Here’s what happened to it.

Here’s what happened to Pinuccia from the accession to the throne

Pinuccia is a former lady of the female parterre of the throne over men and women. As part of the program, the lady from Vigevano had made the acquaintance of Alessandro, a 90-year-old gentleman from the gentleman’s parterre. After a brief acquaintance, the man decided to maintain only friendship with Pinuccia.

However, the woman did not give up on him and tried several times to want to date him, falling in love with him. Discussions and arguments with Cipollari arose precisely because of this pathological behavior towards Alessandro. These became increasingly heated until Pinuccia burst into tears several times.

Pinuccia - Throne Over Pinuccia – Throne Over

Pinuccia’s attitude, often overbearing and arrogant, became more and more incessant, forcing Maria De Filippi to intervene. Rarely does the moderator show herself so directly, but this time she had to do it. In fact, he tried to make her understand that there could be nothing between her and Alessandro but friendship.

After another scream from the woman, the moderator made it clear to her that her participation in the program was no longer sufficient. The program remains a moment of lightheartedness and not sadness for everyone. Since he was in love at the time, his presence just didn’t make sense. In fact, Pinuccia has stopped participating in “Men and Women.”.

Here’s what happened to the former lady of Vigevano

Relations between Pinuccia and Alessandro collapsed as the woman was not interested in friendship. Her pathological behavior prompted Alessandro to block her on various social profiles. For now, Pinuccia hasn’t returned to Men and Women and who knows if we’ll see her in the new season in September.

Pinuccia of men and women Pinuccia of men and women

In the meantime, however, the former lady of Vigevano has thrown herself into the world of music with a summer single. Men and women, that’s the title. The song is a tribute to the program and the presenter. Pinuccia is not the first to plunge into the world of music, Angela, known as the fabulous Cubist, tried it before her.