PIX one after the other 3 characters will invent new

PIX one after the other! 3 characters will invent new ways to make money editalconcursosbrasil.com.br

This week is interesting in the zodiac and some zodiac signs will make money. Because Venus on December 21st opposes Uranus, you can expect some upheaval in the areas of finances and love. But calm down! This can be a good sign, especially for those who know how to dance to music. And on the same day, Mercury forms a sextile with Saturn, providing a balance between innovative ideas and solid structure.

See also: 3 Signs Must Face Their Worst Fears This Friday (22); Is yours on the list?

It doesn't stop there! The sun appears on December 22nd. into Capricorn, ushering in summer and a time of practical success. The Sun's conjunction with Mercury on the same day strengthens communication and intelligence in business. Additionally, Mercury in Sagittarius promises promise on December 23rd. an expansion of our horizons and of course our earning potential.

Gemini will make money

Gemini, as Mercury, your ruling planet, makes these moves in the sky, your mind is already racing at full speed with brilliant ideas. The opposition between Venus and Uranus can cause some instability. However, it is the instability that sets you apart, turning chaos into golden opportunities.

The secret is to use this Mercury sextile Saturn energy to give form and structure to your ideas. With the Sun in Capricorn, it's finally time to put those ideas on paper and turn them into reality!


Sagittarius, you have everything! When Mercury enters your sign on the 23rd, your worldview expands. This gives you the opportunity to make money in innovative ways.

They are masters at looking beyond the obvious, and this week promises inspiration that can be turned into profitable projects. So use the Sun's sextile with Saturn on December 24th to plan and structure those brilliant ideas.

Signs that make money: Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, always ahead of your time, you will be on December 25th. Get a creativity boost with Venus trine Neptune. Ultimately, this combination brings a mix of intuition and innovation that is perfect for creating new ways of generating income.

Whether through technology, art, or other means, you have the gift of anticipating trends and turning them into money. The trine between Venus and Neptune also brings additional sensitivity. So use this to your advantage to create authentic connections that can open doors into the business world.