Planes pilots and co pilots can39t do it their lives

Planes, pilots and co pilots can't do it: their lives depend on it

When you board a plane, you should know that there is a ban on pilots and co-pilots. The risk is very serious indeed.

The safest and most widely used form of transportation in the world is air travel, and great strides have been made in safety over the decades. The advantage of these rockets is that they can move from one part of the planet to another in a matter of minutes hoursto reach goals that long ago were practically unattainable due to the great distances covered in several days.

Airplane –

Flying has changed the way of life in some ways, but it is clear that there are many guidelines to follow when it comes to safety. Today we will tell you about an aspect that no one knows about, and it's about what ship officers are allowed to eat on duty. We are sure that none of you know this very strange and unusual aspect.

Airplane, here is the ban that should always be kept in mind

Although the plane is the safest means of transport in the world, it is also clear that it offers the lowest chance of rescue in the event of an accident. For this reason, It is important that all safety procedures are followed. Apparently there is plenty of it for passengers, especially after the attacks in the US on September 11, 2001, which led to a crackdown on all controls.

Airplane Danger to Avoid (ANSA) –

However, crew members must also be properly monitored and are obliged to comply with numerous guidelines and one of them, even if it seems absurd, concerns the meals to be eaten on board. On the website “”, A case was reported involving pilots and co-pilots being allowed to eat the same meals on boarda safety guideline that few people know, unless you are in this profession of course.

It all starts with what happened way back in 1982, when a flight between Boston and Lisbon was forced to change route after 12 crew members, including the pilot and co-pilot, They felt bad because they had eaten pudding that had gone bad. Something similar happened much more recently, in 2010 in the UK, although fortunately the plane was able to land safely. For this reason, it is important that the pilot and co-pilot eat two different meals to ensure that one of them always remains competent at work and can perform their task perfectly.

Apparently, The risk of two different meals causing poisoning is almost zero, and that's why all airlines tend to always serve two different dishes to the two officers. Therefore, there are many secrets surrounding traveling by plane, many of which may never have been fully revealed, but which help ensure that we travel in complete safety, even if the risk is never completely eliminated.