1674744684 quotplanned for monthsquot Boy 14 killed by friend

"planned for months" Boy (14) killed by friend

A 14-year-old boy killed his classmates in Wunstorf and hid the body. New details about the case are now emerging.

Last Tuesday, a father in Wunstorf reported his son Jan (14) missing. After personally looking for him in the area without success, he contacted the police. This began a full-scale search operation, in which helicopters were also used. At the same time, investigators conducted interviews – among other things, the officers spoke with a 14-year-old friend of Jan, with whom he had made an appointment for the evening.

14-year-old boy found dead, colleague confesses to crime

Kill your friend with a stone

Terrible things came to light: “During the investigation, the friend of the missing person claimed that he had killed and hidden the 14-year-old boy,” a spokesman told Bild. He then told the police where he had hidden Jan’s body, but initially gave false information: because he said that the dead man was lying next to the tracks of an ICE connection, the police blocked the route and searched the area with two hundred.

Eventually, the alleged perpetrator led the officers to a vacant lot near a garden centre, where Jan’s body lay in a hollow in the ground. He had been killed with blunt force, according to initial findings, the perpetrator killed him with a rock. The site is said to be just 150 meters from Jan’s parents’ house. The boy was arrested and will be presented today to the magistrate.

Deed planned months ago

Apparently, the student planned the crime for months. Why he killed Jan is unclear. “Jan was a reserved, loving and peaceful boy. We don’t even know how to deal with this loss,” said Jan’s scout leader. The night before his death, Jan had attended a Boy Scout event.

A prayer service at the church and a memorial service at Jan’s school are scheduled for tomorrow, Friday. The director stated that she was stunned by the cruel act. And the mayor of Wunstorf, Carsten Piellusch, told “t-online”: “I myself have two children and I can only imagine how great the pain of parents for this loss must be.”

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