Plateau fears the climate between 2 enemies on Lulas plane

Plateau fears the climate between 2 enemies on Lula’s plane en route to China metropolises

Archenemies surprised Planalto with information that they intend to accompany Lula on the Brazilian Air Force plane bound for China

03/16/2023 08:00, updated 03/16/2023 08:06

Planalto fears a climate between two enemies who will board Lula’s plane bound for China next week. Indeed, Renan Calheiros and Arthur Lira have informed the Presidency of the Republic that they intend to accompany the PT candidate.

First, Renan asked to be present on the flight as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations and National Defense Committee. A few days later, it was the Mayor’s turn, Arthur Lira, to formally state his intention to accompany Lula.

In the corridors of the Presidium of the Republic it is said that the head of the chamber decided to embark after discovering the departure of the archenemy. However, the invitation to Lira was extended by Lula at an early dinner for the column last week.

Currently, there are members of parliament and senators who believe that Lula is wrong about giving Arthur Lira superpowers. This wing is represented by parliamentarians like Lindbergh Farias and, more specifically, Renan Calheiros.

Alongside fears of a climate on the FAB flight that will depart for China, Planalto is going on eggshells to organize passenger seats. Who will have a chair closest to Lula? Renan who requested the trip first and has supported the PT or Lira in the past due to her strategic position?

Plateau fears the climate with Renan Calheiros and Arthur Lira on the same plane

The location of the seats is undecided and could draw a huge lip from some of the Alagoan politicians. Last year, at the height of the insults, Renan called Lira a “criminal.” This in turn called the enemy a “psychopath”.